Olympus FV3000RS (Evident, Olympus life science) utilizes two high sensitivity spectral detectors and one spectral detector and is capable of multichannel Truspectral imaging, enabling simultaneous imaging with flexibility and high sensitivity. Four lasers (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm) have offered the opportunity to select a vast variety of dyes and detectors. The microscope is equipped with hybrid scanner system, employing a resonant scanner and a galvanometer scanner, for capturing live phenomena with high speed and for recording complex structures with high resolution respectively. Zero drift compensator (ZDC-2) facilitates long term imaging. 2D, 3D and MATL images are acquired via XY, XYZ or XYT and can be mapped or stitched. Tilt adjustment in Z direction has made easier with the FV3000RS. Lambda series can be acquired by a single channel or multiple channels. The system is ideal in performing colocalization, 2D deconvolution, FRAP and FRET analysis.