The cobas e 411 analyzer is a fully automated analyzer which uses Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) technology for immune assays. Our analyzer has a disk sample handling system for both quantitative and qualitative in vitro assay determinations for a broad range of applications.
External uses
ECL technology has a wide range of applications in quantitative and qualitative in vitro assay determinations including anemia; bone, cardiac and tumor markers; critical care; fertility/hormones; maternal care; and infectious diseases.
ELLA (version, Protein Simple, USA) is a fully automated immunoassay instrument that allows fast performance of ELISA assays without any manual steps. This system uses cartridges that allow the measurements of biomarkers in different types of samples. The cartridges use microfluidics based technology that enables the measurements of single analytes, multiple analytes and also multiplexed analytes. The results obtained using the ELLA is highly sensitive and reproducible. This system allows the researcher to perform an automated immunoassay and automatically process the data acquired. It also allows the researcher to view, analyse, and extract and save fluorescence and concentration data to be used for further analysis.
ELISA is an abbreviation for “Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay” and is a common laboratory technique. We use this technique to measure the analyte’s (antibodies or antigens most likely) concentration in solutions. The wavelength of the coloured end product is the indicator of the amount of analytes in the original sample which is then measure via the ELISA plate reader.
The basic 96- and 384-well plate EliSpot & FluoroSpot Reader
The AID iSpot is one of the most successful EliSpot/FluoroSpot Reader developments in recent years. The AID iSpot for the first time allows analyzing both: Enzymatic and fluorescent (FluoroSpot) based EliSpot assays. The AID iSpot comprises the same outstanding functionality, such as layout-generator, rule-compiler, various export possibilities etc., as the AID Classic. Beside all of the popular functions of the AID Classic, the AID iSpot simultaneously allows for 1-, 2- or even 3-color FluoroSpot analysis. A simple “one-click switch” between enzymatic and fluorescent mode, without the need of hardware changes, is enough to switch from one mode to the other.